Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie

Abteilung Prof. Mona

Anina Schwarzenbach is a sociologist and postdoc at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Bern. Anina’s work lies at the intersection of sociology, criminology, and computational social sciences and focuses on social threats and governmental responses, social networks, media narratives, polarization, and state legitimacy. She has also worked extensively on issues related to institutional discrimination and policing of minorities.

In her current project, in collaboration with the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy, Boston College, she analyzes the media discourse on violent extremism and its consequences on public opinion.

Anina is a former fellow with Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center.  She was a fellow with the Harvard Kennedy School’s Cyber Project (2020-2022), a Belfer Center International Security Program postdoctoral fellow (2018-2020), as well as a member of the Belfer’s team that has built the National Cyber Power Index 2020. She also held positions as a postdoctoral associate at the University of Maryland, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, and as a graduate researcher at the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign Criminal Law and Criminology in Germany (2013-2018).

For her research, she was awarded a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) postdoc mobility grant and a Fondazione Leonardo research grant.

Anina holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Freiburg, Germany, an LL.M. in criminology, and an M.A. in communication science and economics from the Swiss universities of Bern and Zurich.


LaFree, G., Schwarzenbach, A. (2021): Micro and Macro-Level Risk Factors for Extremism and Terrorism. Toward a Criminology of Extremist Violence. Journal of Criminology and Penal Reform, 104, no. 3: 184-202.

Schwarzenbach, A. (2020): Youth-Police Relations in Multi-Ethnic Cities. A Study of Police Contacts and Attitudes toward Police in Germany and France. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.

Schwarzenbach, A.; Tankebe, J.; Oberwittler, D. (2020): In Their Own Hands: Young People and Self-Justice Retaliation in Germany. Crime & Delinquency.

Oberwittler, D. and Schwarzenbach, A. (2015): Police and Adolescents in Multi-Ethnic Societies. Findings of a Comparative Survey of Adolescents in German and French Cities. In: SIAK-Journal – Journal for Police Science and Practice, International Edition, Vol. 5, 4-15.


Schwarzenbach, A. (2019): Counter-radicalisation strategies: An analysis of German and French approaches and implementations. In: Akhgar, B., Wells, D., and Blanco, J. M. (eds.). Investigating Radicalization Trends: Case Studies in Europe and Asia. Springer Nature, pp.101-122.

Roché, S., Schwarzenbach, A., Oberwittler, D., and De Maillard, J. (2017): Adolescents’ Divergent Ethnic and Religious Identities and Trust in the Police. Combining Micro- and Macro-Level Determinants in a Comparative Analysis in France and Germany. In: Oberwittler, D. and Roché, S. (ed.): Police-Citizen Relations: A Comparative Investigation of Sources and Impediments of Legitimacy Around the World. London: Routledge, pp. 175-195.

Schwarzenbach, A. (2017): Wie stehen Jugendliche in Deutschland zur Polizei? Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt POLIS. In: Bartsch, T., Brandenstein, M., Grundies, V., Hermann, D., Puschke, J., and Rau, M. (ed.): Sammelband des 50. Kolloquium der Südwestdeutschen und Schweizerischen Kriminologischen Institute. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.


Schwarzenbach, A., Targets of Police Attention. Young People, Discrimination and Stop-and-Search in Germany and France.


Schwarzenbach, A. Distributive Justice and Domestic Terrorist Attacks. Journal of Peace Research

Schwarzenbach, A. & Jensen, M. Extremists of a Feather. Homophily in Violent Extremist Networks.

Schwarzenbach, A., Voo, J., Hemani, I., Jones, S., and Cassidy, D. Cyber Power: Assessing Capabilities and Intent in Cyberspace.


Schwarzenbach, A.; Voo, J.; Hemani, I.; Jones, S.; DeSombre, W.; Cassidy, D. (2020). Harvard Belfer National Cyber Power Index 2020, Harvard Dataverse, V3.